Sunday, June 24, 2007

Death Toll

Okay...I have been in an all out battle for quite some time. The death toll just got a bit higher. Unfortunately this war doesn't seem to be ending.

MICE...6 many more? I have killed, yes, killed 6 mice in the last two months in my house. I hate killing, them, as they are so cute...but even worse is seeing a mouse in your house.

I scream like I am being murdered when I see a live mouse lurking in a corner of the room. In all my home-ownership experiences...this is the one that might push me over.

Here's the long do I keep the traps set before I win the war?


Paige Puckett said...

do you need to borrow a cat for a bit?

Andrea said...

OH no....6. SIX??? It's obvious. You have to move.

Or set up a college fund for the orphaned mice.

jecca said...

I'm good at mouse removal. Have I told you my stories yet?? Thanks for helping me this weekend. Couldn't have done windows without ya!

<3, j-bear

Anonymous said...

Fear not, we are of the nature of the lion, and cannot descend to the destruction of mice and such small beasts. - Elizabeth I

Anonymous said...

Are you sure they are mice, or could they just be cockroaches in disguise? Beware, war can be dangerous. And things aren't always what they seem...

Film Scholar said...

I went on terror and killed a bunch of racoons in my neighborhood after they attached my dog. Not very wise now that I look back on it.

Film Scholar said...

I went on terror and killed a bunch of racoons in my neighborhood after they attached my dog. Not very wise now that I look back on it.

Martha B. Metzler said...

Sam decapitated the one in our house to send a message to the others... lets just say, we haven't seen another one since. I also can't ever use that knife again.