Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Waiting Game

I had a job interview Monday. They said they would call if I got the job in the next 2-3 days. So, now I wait. I want this. I always thought of myself of having loads of patience. This is testing me.

So, now I say things like...it's out of my hands...I did the best I could. As I wait, I judge myself and if I did good enough...was I right in answering the questions the way I did? What happens if I don't get this? What will happen to me?

Jobs are funny things. They help define you, but I have learned recently you should let other things define you; not just what you are doing to pay the bills. When asked who I am...I am much more than a person trying to get back into teaching. Hopefully I can stay grounded to the fact that no matter what I am doing...I am more than just that.

Here's to waiting...and waiting...and waitng.

1 comment:

AshleyHami said...

Hey! I found your blog through Andrea...

Congrats on getting this job! I too am currently waiting to hear about a job that I interviewed for last Friday - chances aren't amazing that I got it as they are wanting someone wiht 5 plus years of project management experience...not yet there...I too tell myself it is out of my hands...but I would still like to know either way!!! LOL