Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday Morning Grading

I am not a big fan of grading papers. If my students would just want to learn...I would grade less. My physical science class, you have to collect everything in order for the students to even do it. In honors physics....I stopped collecting homework because if they don't do homework, they will fail every test and quiz. Although on Friday I collected the homework.

When did students start feeling comfortable in copying homework in the same room as the teacher? I'll admit that I probably copied a homework assignment as a student, but I never did it in front of my teacher. I can't believe them.

What's the world coming to, when our students feel like copying is okay? Now, that I know that they copied, I am going to grade it super tough! Yes, I am mean. Don't take advantage of me.


Paige Puckett said...

haha... i love you jane.

Andrea said...

wow...I didn't start openly copying until college....

Unknown said...

I never cheated in your class...promise...