Saturday, January 26, 2008


I hang out with a group of ten women about once a month. We often ask each other questions, last night the question was what are three things that make you happy. Here are my three.

1] My house.
2] My job. (it's new and I love what I am doing)
3] Coffee

The last one is so important because of my little coffee ritual each day. When describing it, my friends said I should write an editorial. So, here it goes.

It's the night before, I am about to go to sleep and I put the water and grounds in my coffee maker. It's not just any coffee, it's my Carmel Truffle Millstone coffee. At 5:35 AM, the gloriousness begins. The coffee starts to brew. I can smell the aroma as I get out of the shower. I know it will warm me inside out.

As I leave for work, I take out 2 travel mugs. Yes, that's 2 mugs. I fill them both as much as I can. I drop a spoon of slenda and a splash of fat-free French Vanilla creamer and stir. As I leave my house, I have a coffee mug in each hand and usually a smile. It's like I am preparing for a big adventure.

The first mug starts getting sipped by the first stoplight on my commute to work. The drive is about 25 minutes, this is just enough time to finish that first cup of coffee. The first cup is mostly to make sure my eyes stay awake while I am driving at the ungodly hour of 6:00AM.

Each morning, I am one of the first cars in the parking lot at work. It's then that I grab the other mug and I get to enjoy the 2nd cup of the morning. That is one of the happiest things I do each day. I really savior and enjoy that 2nd cup. Even when I forget to finish the 2nd cup because work gets away from me, it's the thought that knowing I had the option of a 2nd cup of coffee to enjoy that makes me thankful.

Coffee makes me happy. The taste, the jump of energy. I am thankful for a lot in my life, but I am really thankful for coffee.


Paige Puckett said...

let's hope with the suffering u.s. economy, we don't lose our coffee privileges!

Andrea said...

3 Cheers for coffee!!