Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I feel lost in life. Sort of lost my way recently.

I would love some directions...anyone got any?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Being happy where you are.

Why is it hard to be happy where you are? Physically, in life, emotionally.

Sometimes I play the game with myself that life is always greener on that other side of the fence. But have I noticed how lovely the green is right here...with me.

I look at friends that are married, friends that make more money than I do, friends that have lovely children and I think...why am I not there.

But then I remember: I love my job. I love my family. I have the best of friends that surround me, support me, and love me. I have the best house even if it is pest ridden. I have a great car. And in general I am very happy.

So, why don't I remember that all the time?